Configure RegEx Custom Field
RegEx custom field allows users to validate a field by matching its content against a specified regular expression.
It is useful for verifying Email address, phone numbers, zip codes & more.
Configuring the Regular Expression (RegEx) Custom Field
Search the Custom field name, Click on the “Three“ dots
Go to contexts & default value. User will see a page similar to the following example:
Click on the Edit custom field config to configure the Regular expression.
Click the Submit button, and the Regular Expression will be added to the configuration.
Testing the RegEx Custom Field
Navigate to create an issue and add the required field values.
In the RegEx Field add a value that does not match the regex.
If user try to create the issue, an error message will appear:
In the Issue view edit the field with a value that does not match the Regex.
Try to submit, an error message will display.